For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt a connection to something bigger than me. As a child I was rebellious, outspoken and a natural rule breaker.

As the only person of color in a very toxic home, I was confused about my role in life - and that made me angry. I wanted someone to save me. And I knew I was meant for so much more than what was in front of me.

So I searched. Searched for answers. Tapped into my creative talents of acting, writing and directing and traveled the world.

It was during my time at Florida State University that I first discovered the seeds for self love through my opportunities to travel. I was lucky enough to live with a host family in Costa Rica, travel throughout Europe, live in Germany, and train at a theater intensive in London, England.

As I met people from all walks of life, it began to expand my consciousness. I couldn’t help but wonder to those who weren’t Christian: “Wait, so everyone here is going to hell?”

That couldn’t be true. That wasn’t my truth.

There had to be more. I knew this wasn’t it.


As a first step, I began exploring meditation (which scared me because it meant going into my own head).

I wrapped up my undergraduate studies, earned a scholarship to one of the top performing arts schools in the United States, and moved from Florida to New York City.

On the surface, my experience at Tisch should have been a dream come true.

Instead, I felt my mental state decline. All my insecurities of not being enough were being challenged in that graduate program. I wasn’t in my zone as the program was severely academic and when I looked at my peers, I couldn’t see myself in any of them. No one looked like I did. No one had come from a life like the one I had.


 I was scared of everything all the time.

When I was 28 years old, I met the “love of my life”.  I saw him as my savior. The relationship was made of honey and gold for the first three weeks, and then transformed into the most abusive relationship I’ve ever experienced.

“I hope this is the first time someone calls you a Bitch, because that’s what you are,” he said.

And in that moment, my mind opened.

I started to feel sorry for myself like I had always done in the past. But in that moment, something clicked.

I remembered being called a Bitch by my own mom. It wasn’t the first time I had been called that.


I realized one core truth:

Nobody is coming to save me.

For years, I thought religion was going to save me. Then I thought a man would save me.

But in actuality… I have to save myself. We all do. 


With that clarity, I dove into my own self healing journey.

Every penny I earned went towards books, workshops, any event that could teach me something about myself.

As I learned to accept myself, I began looking for a community. One that I could resonate with — filled with women that looked like me and shared similar experiences and values.

So I began sharing my story on social media using #curvyandcurly.

I didn’t expect anything from it and yet so many women began to reach out, follow and engage with me. Some negatively. Most, just looking for the same thing I was: self love, self acceptance, and the journey toward liberation.

That’s when things began to align and come together.


Today, I have an online community of over a quarter of a million people on their own self healing journeys. I’m in love with a man who is ready to grow on his own and alongside me.

I feel the world is my oyster. I’m a creator that is living the act of creating and recreating.

Most of all, I am happy and I cannot wait to create what’s next with you.
